Listaverkauppboð til styrktar íslenskri heimildarmynd um endómetríósu sem samtökin ætla að framleiða 2023-2024

Kay Tracy
Passing Through It!, 2022

40 x 30 cm

Kay Ellen Tracy, native Californian born in 1955. Retired Radiation Safety Technician from Livermore Laboratory in California. I have been in Iceland for about 7 years now. I started learning to paint in Watercolor and Acrylics about three years ago. The pieces I have provided are both Acrylic on cotton canvas and have been varnished. Completed in 2022, they are based upon art tutorials provided by Cinnamon Cooney.

This auction has ended

Bjóðandi Upphæð Boð sett inn þann:
d************n 40.000 kr. 2023-03-15 19:59:49
i*****************s 39.000 kr. 2023-03-15 19:59:09
d************n 37.000 kr. 2023-03-14 19:41:19
k*********r 35.000 kr. 2023-03-09 13:19:39
Upphafsverð 30.000 kr. 08/03/2023 12:00

Nánari upplýsingar

40 x 30 cm